Pray BFF #107

April 5th, 2007

(PDF Format)

Dear Prayer Team,

Two exciting developments are in the making since the last prayer letter.

"Raised by the Hand of God"

First of all, the 1 hour-long biblical parenting documentary will be aired in the UK on April 23rd on channel 5. (If you live in UK, check it out because one site said 'next week'). The title of the documentary is "Raised by the Hand of God" and is part of the Hidden Lives series, oftentimes showing things that are not good to watch. We do need prayer for three things.

We have shown the Library a few times in private situations and have received good comments. They think that it is better than it presents itself. They liked seeing that our are children growing up and living out healthy lives in comparison to those in the secular society around us.

Be His Witness

The word that the Lord has given us for doing this documentary was: "The righteous is a guide to his neighbor" (Proverbs 12:26, NASB). We pray that this will happen!

They use a sensational, rather negative trailer, to hook people into watching. We trust that the Lord will significantly help parents to know God has much to say about parenting and that other parents are doing fine following His ways. May God's Spirit draw and build up the people He desires.

Be protected

Pray for the families involved in the series. Just by seeing what people say on their blogs about parenting, it is quite possible that we will face some extremely negative feedback. Parenting is a sensitive issue. People react emotionally rather than consider the presentation and discuss.

Be wise

We have no idea what people might say or ask of us due to this or other showings. Maybe no one will say anything. Or else, we might have people coming and asking for interviews. In any case, we need wisdom to know whether we should talk or not, as well as what to say if we do. Many groups are hostile to God"s ways or anything Christian. We tend to shy away from such situations. We do want what God desires.

Video Podcasting

Secondly, I found a time saver. Since I started Biblical Foundations for Freedom, an onslaught of new technology has allowed me to greatly increase the quality, quantity and distribution of materials.

I just discovered another 'invention' that enables me to record my powerpoint slides along with my voice as I speak. For years I lamented over the great amount of work that would be needed to time a recording and match it with slides. I never got around to doing those things. I would have to do the whole taping again. Fortunately, the quality is good and works on Quicktime or iTunes which are free programs available on both PCs and Macs. It works on with regular web browsers too.

Of course, I have to put in time to learn how it operates and to integrate it into a new kind of webpage that I am not familiar with. RSS feeds are still something I don't quite understand. However, despite the extra work in the beginning, we can speed up our available training for others. I believe this will greatly affect the future of training all around the world.

People can now listen to the training sessions on their computers! Amazingly, if I do not edit, it can be uploaded right after the class. Thanks! Even better, one can immediately stream them down because they are small files compared to movies. If you use iTunes, click on the picture twice and it will blow up to a full screen!

Thanks to God

Good progress on the preparation of manuscript for publication.

Encouraging feedback from readers. This is an answer to prayer from last letter.

Parenting class has had a good start. More than 20 in the class. Good questions.

Excitement for the new advancement and ease in technology.

Praise God for another part of an answer for prayer for developing an ADT training course.

Requests to God

"Raised by the Hand of God" showing on April 23rd. Pray for blessing, protection and wisdom!

Wisdom for Paul as he learns and remembers new techniques and operation of different applications.

Three Chinese parenting classes have passed. Seven more to go. The twenty plus parents need wisdom to know how to rightly care for their children.

For God to bless Paul as he speaks (April 15) and teaches so that others will receive greater blessing.

Finish readying the cover and manuscript for the Principles and Practices of Biblical Parenting book.

Serving Together for the Glory of God,

Paul and Linda Bucknell
Biblical Foundation for Freedom
3276 Bainton St.
Pittsburgh, PA 15212

Write to Paul with your comments:

Have your church link to our website! Or even better, use your blog to link to us. People will be glad you did. The BFF logo is below if you would like to use it!