Pray BFF#48                                                                              August 9, 2003
Dear Prayer Team,


These last weeks have been extremely busy. Paul switches projects left and right. One hour it might be the series on 'Deep Magic;' the next on a sermon or discipleship. The project most demanding in size and in organization is the "Cross Training" series.

Cross Training is a ten to twelve session curriculum for new Christians. Each booklet focuses on a relationship between Christ and His people. We are excited about its potential. There is a limited amount of discipleship material out there but each has its limitations. This one bridges the gap by training new believers how to relate to other Christians. At the same time it develops a deeper foundation because it is building on familiar relationships like husband and wife. We hope it will be modified and used freely.

Lord willing we will be able to visit relatives and preach in our old home church in the next couple of weeks. Do keep praying for us. We need to persevere in doing what is right and good. At this time, we sense a special need to intercede for the world. Things are unraveling very quickly under God's hand of judgment.

We need your prayers!

Thanks to God!

Requests to God

Thankfully Paul's Dad has had lots of company these first weeks after his wife's death.

Praise God for gathering together a special nine member team to work on the discipleship curriculum. We had three large group meetings and two or three small group meetings. God really blessed us!

Readership on BFF is steady.

Thankful for special grace during this time of high demand.

Praise God "THE FLOW" has been uploaded and added to the updated listing.

Thankful for Linda's occasional help in editing.

Paul appreciates God's grace for preaching on 2 Timothy 2:2, the Plan of Discipleship.

Our five curriculum teams are to pass in the almost final versions of their sessions next Monday.

Paul is preaching/teaching in these next days:

- August 10- preaching

- August 10- teaching (on demon oppression)

- August 24- preaching in old home church.

Pastor Stephen runs a busy church besides having a burden in reaching the district.

Provision for BFF needs.

Protection for our family as we travel.

Praise to Jesus Christ the great King of Kings!

Serving Together for the Glory of God,

Paul and Linda
Biblical Foundation for Freedom

Write to Paul with your comments:

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