The Big Race

Joining in
The big challenge
Your number is ...
Can't make it?
Two decisions
My Broken Trophy
Let's run for it!
Chains broken
The Plan

Getting Ready
Getting in Shape
Your Trainers
Distance Training
Course Overview

Crossing the Line
Readying the Mind
Mastering the Course
Deciding to Win

Running the Race
Gaining stamina
Overcoming hurdles
Roadside cheer
Feeling overwhelmed
Thoughts controlled!

BFF Homepage


Overcome, do not be overcome. Break the chains.

We might not be aware of the seriousness of the battle, but the sounds, the blood, the wounded are all around us. Fatalities abound. The tools we need to be trained with will be our battle weapons. They might be different than we are familiar with, but nevertheless we must learn to use them well. Our lives and those lives around us are at stake.

The training tools provided in this series train us in tactics, strategy, defense and offense. A plan is given not only to deliver one from bondage but to lead one into true freedom.

We have a three part plan to introduce, train and implement these tools into your lives. We are not suggesting that this race will be easy. The enemy is mean and serious. However, I do assure you that a taste of victory, the smell of genuine love, the freedom of true liberty and the depth of deep relationship are worth every drop of sweat put into this race.

My little 2 year old who can't quite talk once came to my study and put his shoes on my keyboard. His hint was ever so obvious. He wants daddy to take him for a little walk. God's promises are like these little shoes. God has scattered 'His shoes' of scriptural promises all throughout the scriptures to remind us of His good intent to make us winners in the race against sin and for purity.

Greater is the power within than without.

"For whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and this is the victory that has overcome the world – our faith." 1 John 5:4