Zephaniah: Gathering Before the Throne: Small

The Book of Zephaniah

Gathering Before His Throne

Voluntarily Gathering

Zephaniah 1:1-2:3

The Advantage of Self-examination

Brief Outline and Bible Study
Zephaniah 1:1 - 2:3

Brief Outline

A.Voluntarily Gathering (Zephaniah 1:1-2:3)

Four reasons we need to gather ourselves now before God's throne.

1. The Scene of His Judgment is Comprehensive (Zephaniah 1:1-3)

2. The Scope of His Judgment is Extensive (Zephaniah 1:4-13)

      a. Divided Worship (4-6) The Grand Slaughter

      b. Worldly Influence (7-9) The Grand Sacrifice

      c. Indifferent Hearts (10-13) The Grand Search

3. The Severity of His Judgment is Harrowing (Zephaniah 1:14-18)

4. The Saving Opportunity is Here (Zephaniah 2:1-3)

Bible Study

A.Voluntarily Gathering (Zephaniah 1:1-2:3)
1) How does God deal with sin (2-6)?
     a) In the world (2-3)?

     b) In His people (4-6)?

2) From verses 7-13, clearly describe how God will judge sin (7-13).

3) What would our world be like if God stopped His activities at the end of chapter 1 (1:14-18)?

4) What is the first thing God's people are told to do in 2:1?

5) What are three things God's people are told to seek in in 2:1-3?

7) Write down the words here that convey a sense of urgency about God's commands?

Summary and Application
8 Do find any similarity between the kinds of sins among God's people in 1:4-6 and in your church locally?
    What makes you think this?

9 If there are such sins, do you believe God's judgment would be the same as for them (1:7-13)? Why or why not?

10 Describe your desire to know God more.
     What sin do you need to forsake?

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Zephaniah study - Call to Revival
Gathering Before His Throne
Relevance to our Lives | Historical | Overview
A.Voluntarily Gathering 1:1-2:3 Questions | Notes | Outline
B.Willingly Gathering 2:3-3:13 Questions | Notes | Outline
C. Gladly Gathering 3:14-3:20 Questions | Notes | Outline
Zephaniah Bible Study Questions: Complete set

Other Old Testament prophetic studes: Isaiah Haggai Micah

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Biblical Foundations for Freedom

This asterisk means that the question seeks for your opinions and thoughts.
The answer is notdirectly found in the scripture passage as the other questions.