Conquerors through Christ

Relevant BFF Articles

Love Conquers Fears

Love Conquers All Fears

Calling into Service

Our Personal Calling
(Titus 1:1)

Biblical Digital Library

All BFF's Biblical material in one spot! pdfs, powerpoints, podcasts, more!


Misunderstandings of Judgment

Planning and Purpose Proverbs 16:1-4

Planning and Purpose
Proverbs 16:1-4


Why does God allow such things to happen?


Questions about judgment and tragedy

Bible Study Questions for Romans


Romans: Laying a Solid Foundation

Romans: Laying a Solid Foundation

The Bible Teacher's Commentary

Paul J. Bucknell

commentary on the Book of Romans

Survey of The Book of Romans:
Romans 9-16

Part 3 of 3, Video

Video Podcast

Paul J. Bucknell

righteousness spread

An Extensive Video Survey of Romans 9-16 is the third of three parts providing a survey of the Book of Romans discussing sections Romans 9-11 and 12-16.

Every Bible book including Romans has its specialized purposes. The Book of Romans was designed to lay a solid foundation for our Christian faith. If the foundation is built right, then the whole building (the Christian life) can be strong. Here in 9-16, we review the last two parts to the Book of Romans, The World (9-11) and The Service (12-16).

Romans 1-3:20: Read
Romans 3:21-8: Read
Romans 09-16 : Read

Live by faithline s

This podcast starts with Romans chapter 9 and goes right until the end of chapter 16 (the end of Romans). This message was originally given in Nigeria to a group of pastors and students of God's Word.

OUtline 9-16

->Continue on to view the index of BFF Romans articles online or even more on the BFF Biblical Training Library including powerpoints and pdfs.

BFF -> Moving our generation's heart and mind closer to the Lord through the powerful truth of God!