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God's peace can help us live above anxieties as we learn to trust in Him!

The Lord Your Healer: 

Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch by Paul J. Bucknell

Newest! The Lord Your Healer

Discover Him and Find His Healing Touch

First step of discipleship
revive devotions
Advanced Discipleship

The Bible Teaching Commentary on Genesis: The Book of Foundations

Commentaries that specialize on training the teacher!

Overcoming Anxiety: Finding Peace, Discovering God


Truth's Transforming Power:

Truth's Transforming Power

"And the truth shall make you free!"
John 8:32

Paul J. Bucknell

#1 Drifted Away from the Truth
#2 Developing Confidence in the Truth
#3 Being Set Free by the Truth

Our society has discarded the truth for the most part, and we are feeling the growing intensity of its pain. Many Christians also openly admit that they no longer believe in an absolute truth. Their lives and churches also are falling apart. Personal problems, marital difficulties, diseases, etc. are growing leaps and bounds. They just can't see how the two items are connected: obedience to truth and blessing; ignorance of truth and curse.

The more we turn aside from the truth, the more our lives are confused and saddened. However, the more we turn to the truth of God, we begin to see astonishing improvements take place in our lives. This series addresses the way to come back and be transformed by the truth of God.

Each of the three steps below is designed to answer questions that people commonly face. We want to move from the question on the left to the proper response on the right. Click on the numbered block below to go to the desired page.

Drifted #1 Am I liable for knowing the truth ? Truth that Transforms away from the Truth

Am I really guilty?
Am I liable for knowing the truth?

We are aware that we have drifted from the truth.We are aware that we have drifted from the truth.

What is the truth? #2 Truth that TransformsDeveloping Confidence in the Truth
What is the truth?
How can I be sure one person is right and another wrong?

We have an unswerving confidence in the truth.We have an unswerving confidence in the truth.

Being set Can I really change? Truth that Transforms John 8:32: #3free by the truth!

Can I really change?
I've tried before but failed.

How can the truth free me from so many personal struggles?

We embrace the truth so that we are set free.We embrace
the truth so that we are set free.

And the truth shall set you free!"  Truth that Transforms John 8:32

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