Discipleship Studies Index

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Overcome anxiety

This 10 session seminar (free) further develops the training introduced here to overcome anxiety.


Or purchase your own copy of the Overcoming Anxiety manual in print or digital. The BFF Discipleship Training Library includes reading, powerpoints and worksheets. Check out the BFF Resource Center.

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Video Podcast - Overcoming Anxiety

Possessing God's Precious Peace

Lesson #5

Discipleship Level 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity

Please click below to view the video Overcoming Anxiety!

Purpose: This podcast shares how the truth enables God's people to overcome anxiety and worry and possess God's precious peace. Possessing God's Precious Peace: Overcoming Anxiety is the fifth lesson in the Discipleship Level 2: Reaching Beyond Mediocrity.

Anxiety can look impossible to handle but this podcast puts everything in perspective and shows how you with God's strength can handle. Listen and see how step by step to find God's peace!

Strength | Word of God | God speaks | Spiritual Warfare | Overcomer


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Ten sessions on overcoming anxiety

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Directory of Discipleship Articles

Introduction to Discipleship's 3 Stages and The Flow
Basic Discipleship Stage
Basic discipleship stage and BFF materials.
Intermediate Discipleship Stage
intermediate discipleship stage and BFF materials.
Advanced Discipleship Stage
Advanced discipleship stage and BFF materials.
The Flow
Diagram of integrated Discipleship
Spirit-Dependent Teaching
7 principles on excellent teaching.
Designing discipleship curriculum
Stages and goals of discipleship
Discipleship Shapers
Learning how Christians grow
Understanding the Cycle of Decline and Revival (Judges 2)